I hope that you are all doing well. Do any of you remember the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"? Do you remember how the fathers solution to everything was to 'spray a little Windex on it'? Well, I have a different solution.
Here it is! The mother of all mothers! My holy grail product and absolute necessity for all your skincare needs...

Wait! Isn't Rosewater expensive???.......
Well, let me introduce you to a very affordable, all natural and authentic Rosewater for all your beautification needs.
What brand is this?:
This particular rose water comes from the brand, 'Heritage Store.' The Heritage Store offers a wide variety of all natural essential oils, flower water sprays, hair care, skin care and many other products that will fulfill your holistic health and natural needs, for very reasonable prices.
How much does this cost and where can I purchase this?:
One of my favorite products from their line has to be their Rose Petal Rose Water and Rosewater & Glycerin spray. You can purchase the Rose Petal Rosewater 8 ounce spray bottle (shown in the images above) on their website for $9.49 or a 4 ounce spray bottle for $6.49 (See link below). The same prices apply to their Rosewater & Glycerin spray. I purchased the Rose Petal Rosewater spray for $8.49 and the Rosewater & Glycerin spray for $5.49 at Wholefoods. Vitacost.com offers their 8 ounce Rose Petal Rosewater spray for $5.99 and their 8 ounce Rosewater & Glycerin spray for $6.39 (See link below)! What a bargain! They also sell the same product with a twist-on lid, if you don't like the automizer. I'm sure that you can find this item and other Heritage Store products at your local Wholefoods market. Unfortunately my local Sprouts only sells Heritage Store's pure glycerin. I wish that Sprouts would carry more Heritage Store products. Not only are they affordable, but their quality is top notch!
Heritage Store Rose Petal Rosewater spray: http://heritagestore.com/rosewater-w-atomizer-8oz-liquid.html I can't seem to find the Rosewater & Glycerin spray on their site.
Vitacost: http://www.vitacost.com/heritage-products-rose-petals-rosewater-body-splash
What are the benefits of this item?:
This Rosewater is 100% pure and is made of Vor-mag water (vortexed purified water) and Rosa Damascena hydroessential rose flower oil. Rose water has so many benefits. From soothing your skin to improving your mood, Rosewater is the answer to your problems. Rosewater acts as a natural disinfectant. It purifies and cleanses, while balancing your skins natural oil production and pH. Rosewater is also very well known to help reduce redness and inflammation of the skin and scalp. Its properties are so gentle, yet effective. Rosewater can also assist in reducing both stress and anxiety. Try adding rose water to a hot bath and you will fall into a state of complete relaxation. You can even use Rosewater to naturally relieve a tension headache. Instead of reaching for that bottle of Tylenol, try soaking a facecloth in rose water and placing it on your forehead while laying down. Your pain will be gone in no time! These are just a few uses for rosewater; there are many more!
How do I use these products?:
-After cleansing my face in the morning, I use either product as a toner by spritzing my entire face and neck.
-I pour some of either product in my bath for a relaxing experience.
-I pour some of either product in my cool mist humidifier for a pleasant aromatic experience before going to bed.
-After applying my makeup, I use either product as a setting by spritzing my entire face and neck.
-I spray either product on my pillow for a pleasant nights sleep.
-I spray either product in my bedroom and inhale deeply to make use of its aromatherapy benefits.
-I spray either product all over my body for a pleasant smell and overall hydrating experience.
Product Pros:
-The smell is absolutely divine; has no fake scent
-How can you resist the beautiful neon pink bottle?
-Light weight and easy to carry around in your purse for a light refreshing pick me up
-It's all natural
-Easy to use spray bottle
-Helps calm ones nerves
-Great as a facial toner!
-Gives a nice cleansed feeling to the skin and soothes redness irritation
-Great price!
-Easily available in store and online
-Great for traveling
Product Cons:
-The automizer doesn't work very well, making the mist a bit dribbly.
Overall thoughts:
I give this product 4.5 out of 5 petals*. It's only flaw is the poor automizer. Otherwise, this is an all around excellent product that has many beneficial uses. I highly recommend that you all try it! If you do, let me know what you think in the comments below.
*I will be rating all reviewed products on a level on 1 to 5 'petals,' with 1 petal being the worst and 5 petals being the best.
Stay tuned for my next post..."The pH Balancer...Facial Toners De-Mistified"
Feel free to leave comments and questions below.
Your Rose,
Daniela I.